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2nd Nature Training Videos

Learn the basics of using 2nd Nature with our tips and tricks video collection.

"What's This" Feature

How to quickly find help text for a selected field.


How to create and export a report in 2nd Nature.

Find All Search Feature

How to use 2nd Nature to find the data you need.

What Are You Thinking?

We would love to know what you think of 2nd Nature. To help, we have created a special place online for you to share your opinions and let us know your thoughts. Get started now. It's easy. Click below or access the 2nd Nature feedback site at www.2ndNatureFeedback.com

Share Your Thoughts


Help Documentation

Download Status

How to access information about 2nd Nature's last download date and time.

How to access 2nd Nature's built-in help functionality.

How to efficiently navigate 2nd Nature's various windows.

Record Search Feature

How to easily find a record without opening a record list.

Column Editing Feature

How to quickly add and remove record fields to/from a record list.

Creating Parameterized Reports

Using Filters

Creating Shortcuts

How to easily create shortcuts in 2nd Nature and save time.

Still Have Questions?

Contact Unimax Client Services at (612) 204-3661 or by email at support@unimax.com.

Supercharge 2nd Nature

Supercharge 2nd Nature with add-ons for MACD off-loading and automated workflows. Email TellMeMore@unimax.com for information.

Coming soon.

Coming soon.